
Depth-to-basement study in Benin completed

We are pleased to report to have successfully completed a project in Benin which premier objective was estimate the depth-to-basement in the area of interest. With 32 measuring points, we covered 660 km2 land, and completed the field work in one week. The client even extended its area of interest and commissioned an adjacent area to be added to the study. The results and report were delivered to the client in 3 months after field operations were terminated. Although Benin is a relatively small country, with less infrastructure and in- and out-flow,  mobilization and demobilization of equipment was particularly fast and cheap, thanks also to the fact that our seismometers are currently based in Namibia, until June 2020. Until that time, moving them across the African continent is faster and cost-friendlier than from our HQ in Italy.

You can read more about the depth-to-basement study on our project’s page here



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