
red Andrew Shrager, CEO
A well-respected private investor with long experience in investment banking. Some of his main roles include senior adviser at Renaissance Capital (emerging markets), senior advisor to Merrill Lynch (Energy & Power group throughout Russia and Central Europe), esp. the British Petroleum TNK acquisition, director of corporate finance at Lazard Brothers – advisor for both the Central Electricity Generating Board on privatization and National Power on its IPO, director of Utilyx2001-2012, director of GeoDynamics Research 2007-2010, director of GeoDynamics Worldwide since 2010.

red Karim Akrawi, Associated Director
Over 25 years experience in varies disciplines in the petroleum industry in the Arabian Gulf and Middle East oil fields. In ADCO (Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations) was involved in conducting various exploration projects and oil fields development, hydrocarbon potential, reserves estimates, risk assessments, economical, 3D geological modeling, reservoir characterization. Special skills in Petroleum Development and Exploration, qualified Ph.D. in Petroleum Geology with more than 100 technical reports and participation in numerous conferences in oil and gas subjects around the world.

blue Federica Antonucci, Physicist
Federica holds a M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Rome “Sapienza” and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Bologna in the field of gravitational waves (Virgo experiment). She has worked as a researcher at the University of Trento in the LISA pathfinder experiment and LTP Project for data analysis, data integration, statistical treatment of data and mathematical modelling applied on large data sets. She is now responsible for data processing.

blue Carlo Brentari, Geologist
Carlo Brentari holds a M.Sc. in Geology from the University of Padova, Italy and a MBA in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics from Eni Corporate University, Milan, Italy. He joined Eni in 2007 as a geophysicist for time-lapse reservoir studies. Experienced in managing geological and geophysical data for Oil & Gas exploration, he also has several years of experience on GIS-based softwares. He fluently speaks English, Spanish, Italian.

blue Elisaveta Alessia Ugrinova, Project Manager
Graduated from the Applied University of Furtwangen in Business Management. She gained skills in team work, organizing and planning as well as problem solving with her experience at Robert Bosch GmbH and Microsoft GmbH. Entered the oil & gas sector in 2007, first in the finance and administration team, then eventually she took up end-to-end project coordination, commercial negotiation and resource management. With over 13 years of international experience, she fluently speaks English, Italian, Russian, German and Bulgarian.

blue Michele Armano, Technical Consultant
Michele holds a a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Trento. He worked at the University of Trento and with Consorzio Criospazio Ricerche for the gravitational waves LISA pathfinder experiment, in the Ph.D. education program. Since 2007 is Scientist for the LISA Pathfinder (LPF) Space Mission of the European Space Agency in Madrid.
He is now supporting the data processing. He fluently speaks English, Spanish, Italian.