Simba Energy includes passive seismic results in its 2015 Company’s update

Simba Energy has updated shareholders on activities in its onshore Block 2A in Kenya, where it owns 100% interest, and where in 2012 Simba Energy was first to use passive seismic spectroscopy technology in Kenya. The Passive Seismic survey identified five high ranking areas.
The January 14th 2015 update shows that Simba has identified several prospects within Block 2A:

  • Prospects M1 and M3 are 4 way closure clearly correlated by earlier 2D seismic, passive seismic and recent FTG. Simba plans to run 265 km of 2D seismic to delineate prospects, test trend and target drilling./li>
  • Prospects A2 and A3, visible on the FTG data, also correlate with the passive seismic anomalies. Simba plans a 2D seismic line to evaluate the structure and estimate target depth.





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