Geodynamics WorldWide, together with its partner, carried out a second survey in Nevada for US Oil&Gas plc after its first passive seismic project in 2009. The target areas are located in the Hot Creek and Railroad valleys and covered a much larger area than with the first survey. The main purpose of this second survey was to substantiate the result of the prior survey, to ascertain possible location of hydrocarbon pools in the subsurface within the licensed concession. The field measurements took place in June and July 2011 for a total of 148 data points. The survey was carried out in respect of local environmental and archeological rules and regulations (BLM). US Oil & Gas says that the passive seismic result “confirms a large hydrocarbon anomaly consistent with previously reported geochemical survey results and other data sets”.
Subsequently US Oil & Gas drilled its first well Eblana #1 in a position where the passive seismic spectroscopy readings indicating high probability of hydrocarbon. The company is satisfied with the results and “intends to test fourteen zones in total, eight of which have been previously perforated, including two zones identified as having NPZ of 150 ft. Six zones will be perforated for the first time and are located between 3,000 and 4,600 feet. Porosities in these zones range from 17% to 22%”. In its strategy, among other steps, US Oil & Gas intends to “…acquire passive seismic survey over remaining 68 km2” of its concession in Nevada.