
Geodynamics Worldwide is a private company with headquarters in Rovereto (North Italy) which offers geophysical and geological services, as well as expert consultancy to the Oil & Gas industry.

Our services are designed to reduce the risk of Oil & Gas exploration and development plans by minimizing the capital expenditure and by concentrating the efforts of other geophysical methods (such as 2D and 3D conventional seismic) only on the areas with the highest hydrocarbon potential. When applied over existing Oil &Gas fields, these technologies improve and optimize the management of production.

Geodynamics WorldWide’s technologies have far fewer limitations than conventional seismic when it comes to explore frontier areas such as sub-salt, sub-basalt and complex geological settings like faults compartments and stratigraphic traps. Our experts and partners provide consultancy services in the E&P, in addition to other operational support. Our professionals have wide and long subsurface experience to support authorities and oil companies in license and assets management.

Geodynamics WorldWide works with affiliate companies around the globe to ensure a closer relationship with our current and potential clients and to facilitate logistics arrangements during surveys.

  • In Russia, Geodynamics WorldWide collaborates with its partner Scientific and Production Enterprise “Geodinamika” (Научно-Производственное Предпpиятие “Геодинамика”) situated in Kazan.
  • In Namibia, Geodynamics WorldWide works closely with Pioneer Energy & Minerals Consulting, and is our hub for Africa.
  • In the United Arab Emirates, Geodynamics WorldWide cooperates with Petroleum Integrated Consultancy Services (PICS) based in Abu Dhabi, and is our hub for the Middle East region and Asia.